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guide to manifesting

The word “manifestation” has been prominent on social media platforms, like TikTok, for some time now…but what exactly is it? Manifestation is the idea of turning your desires into reality. Your dreams become substantial. This occurs through methods of attraction and belief. To help you get started, here are some common manifestation methods:

  1. Write a letter to the universe

Write a letter starting with ‘Dear Universe’. You can write about where you are in life right now, and then transition into telling the universe where you want to be, or what it is you are trying to manifest. Show gratitude as if the universe has already granted you what you want. After you finish writing- let it go.

  1. 369 method

In this technique, you write down your manifestation three times in the morning, six in the afternoon, and nine times at night. You might even want to get a new journal specifically for manifesting!

  1. Visualization and meditation

Start by doing a quick meditation. Find a comfortable position, relax your body and focus on your breathing and your mind. Next, visualize your goals as if they have happened; where are you, who else is there, what are you doing, what do your surroundings look like, etc. 

  1. Write a story

Write a short story acting as if your manifestation has already come true. For example, if your dream was to one day move to New York, write an excerpt detailing what a day in your life there is like. Be detailed and keep a positive mindset as you write.

  1. Create a vision board

Find images that describe what you want and put them in a collage. For example these can be quotes, outfits, pictures of cities, etc. Put your collage somewhere you will look at it often, like your room or office. You can even make your collage digitally and make it a background on your laptop!

  1. Do what feels right!

If you come up with another way to manifest, do it! Whatever keeps your mind positive and your motivation high. A good example of this is actor Jim Carrey. Struggling to find employment in 1985, Carrey wrote himself a ten million dollar check for “acting services rendered”, dated it for a decade later, and kept it in his wallet. Almost ten years later he was cast in Dumb and Dumber for a salary of ten million dollars. 

After you finish, let your worries go! Worrying about your manifestation too much creates resistance. Simply keep your attitude positive, be grateful and start making small steps towards your goals. Happy manifesting!

Featured Image by Kara Fields